Sjöfn - Goddess of Norse Mythology

An illustration of Sjöfn, the Norse goddess of love and desire.
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Sjöfn, the Norse goddess of love and desire, depicted here in a stylized illustration. She is often associated with the romantic aspect of love, and was believed to have the power to rekindle love and desire in the hearts of mortals.

Sjöfn (pronounced: "SYOVN") is a goddess in Norse mythology, belonging to the Æsir lineage. She is mentioned briefly in Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda as one of the Ásynjur, the female deities of Norse mythology. According to Snorri, Sjöfn is the goddess of love, with the power to turn the minds of both men and women to love and passion. The Old Norse word "sjafni," meaning "love," is derived from her name.

The name "Sjöfn" in Old Norse runes is written as:


While Sjöfn is only mentioned briefly in the Prose Edda, her name appears in various kennings as a generic goddess name. It is not clear if Sjöfn was ever a major goddess, or if she was simply another name for Freyja or Frigg, two other prominent goddesses in Norse mythology.

Despite the lack of information about Sjöfn, she is considered among the protective matrons mentioned in the Prose Edda, along with several other Germanic goddesses. Her role as a goddess of love and passion also aligns with similar deities in other mythologies, such as Aphrodite in Greek mythology and Venus in Roman mythology.

Please note that the information provided about Sjöfn and Norse mythology is complex and may be subject to interpretation and debate. The myths and stories of Norse mythology have evolved and been passed down through oral tradition and written accounts, and there may be variations in the way they are told and understood. This information should be used as a general reference and not as a definitive source on the subject.

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Other Norse Gods and Goddesses

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