Lóðurr - God of Norse Mythology

A depiction of Lóðurr, a Norse god associated with the creation of humans.
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Lóðurr, the mysterious and enigmatic god of Norse mythology, was believed to have played a crucial role in the creation of humans.

Lóðurr (pronounced: "loh-thur") is a deity in Norse mythology who is mentioned very rarely, making it difficult to say much about him with certainty. Some scholars believe that Lóðurr may be an epithet for a more well-known god, while others believe he is an independent, yet obscure, deity.

The name "Lóðurr" in Old Norse runes is written as:


In the Vǫluspá, a poem from the Poetic Edda, Lóðurr is said to have animated the first humans. Apart from this reference, Lóðurr is not mentioned elsewhere in Norse mythology, making his role unclear. However, scholars have put forward various theories about who Lóðurr may be.

Some scholars have suggested that Lóðurr may be Loki, the trickster god, or one of the three brothers who helped create the world: , Vili, and Odin. The theory that Lóðurr is Loki has gained the most support among scholars, as there are references to a divine triad composed of Odin, Hœnir, and Loki in other Norse texts. Additionally, in the Faroese ballad Loka Táttur, Loki is described as a friend of Hœnir, just as Odin is described as a friend of Lóðurr.

In the Vǫluspá, Lóðurr's gifts to humanity are described as lá and litu góða. The exact meaning of lá is unclear, but it is sometimes translated as "blood". Litu góða, on the other hand, can be translated as "colorful". Some scholars have proposed that litu góða should be read as "form of the gods", which would suggest that the gods created humans in their image.

While Lóðurr's role in Norse mythology is obscure, his inclusion in the Vǫluspá suggests that he played a significant part in the creation of humanity. The identification of Lóðurr with Loki has gained the most support among scholars, but there is still debate about this and other theories. Regardless of Lóðurr's true identity, his inclusion in Norse mythology provides valuable insight into the complex pantheon of Norse gods and their creation myths.

Please note that the information provided about Lóðurr and Norse mythology is complex and may be subject to interpretation and debate. The myths and stories of Norse mythology have evolved and been passed down through oral tradition and written accounts, and there may be variations in the way they are told and understood. This information should be used as a general reference and not as a definitive source on the subject.

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Other Norse Gods and Goddesses

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