Jörð - Goddess of Norse Mythology

Jörð embodies the fertile and nurturing qualities of the earth, and is revered as a powerful deity of creation and growth.
Jörð (pronounced: "yorth") also known as Fjörgyn or Hlóðyn, is a goddess in Norse mythology who personifies the Earth. She is a jötunn, or giantess, who was accepted among the Æsir and is the mother of Thor, the god of thunder. Her name comes from the Old Norse word jörð, which means "earth," and she is associated with the uncivilized land.
The name "Jörð" in Old Norse runes is written as:
According to Snorri Sturluson's Gylfaginning, Jörð is both the daughter and wife of Odin, making her Thor's mother and half-sister to other gods such as Auðr and Dagr. However, the manuscript variations suggest that Jörð's relationship with other members of her family may not be clear-cut. In some versions, Jörð is the wife of Dellingr and the mother of Dagr, while in others, Nótt fulfills these roles.
In Skáldskaparmál, Jörð is portrayed as a rival to Odin's wife, Frigg, and his other giantess concubines, such as Rindr and Gunnlöð. Jörð is also identified as the mother-in-law of Sif, the wife of Thor.
In Norse poetry, Jörð is mentioned frequently, sometimes as Hlóðyn, the mother of Thor, and sometimes as Fjörgyn, the mother of the god Heimdall. In Lokasenna, Thor is referred to as "Jarðar burr," or "son of Jörð," while in Vǫluspá, he is described as "mǫgr Hlóðyniar" and "Fjǫrgyniar burr," meaning "son of Hlóðyn" and "son of Fjörgyn," respectively.
Jörð's association with the earth makes her a symbol of fertility and abundance. She is also associated with agriculture and the cycle of the seasons, as well as the natural forces of the world. Her connection to the land and the natural world is significant in Norse mythology, as the Norse people were heavily dependent on the land for their survival.
Jörð's origins as a giantess who was accepted among the Æsir suggest that she may have been an important figure in pre-Norse mythology, later incorporated into the Norse pantheon. Her influence is evident in the many references to her in skaldic poetry and kennings, demonstrating her importance in Norse culture.
Please note that the information provided about Jörð and Norse mythology is complex and may be subject to interpretation and debate. The myths and stories of Norse mythology have evolved and been passed down through oral tradition and written accounts, and there may be variations in the way they are told and understood. This information should be used as a general reference and not as a definitive source on the subject.
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Other Norse Gods and Goddesses
- Baldr (Æsir) - God of Light, Beauty, and Goodness.
- Beyla (Ásynjur) - Goddess of Agriculture.
- Bil (Ásynjur) - Associated with the Moon.
- Borr (Æsir) - Father of the Norse Gods.
- Bragi (Æsir) - God of Poetry and Song.
- Byggvir (Vanir) - God of Agriculture.
- Dagr (Æsir) - God of Day.
- Dellingr (Æsir) - God of the Dawn.
- Eir (Ásynjur) - Goddess of Healing and Protector.
- Fjörgyn (Ásynjur) - Goddess of the Earth.
- Fjörgynn (Æsir) - God Associated with the Heavens.
- Forseti (Æsir) - God of Justice and Reconciliation.
- Freyja (Vanir) - God of Love, Fertility, War, and death.
- Freyr (Vanir) - God of Fertility and Prosperity.
- Frigg (Ásynjur) - Queen of the Gods.
- Fulla (Ásynjur) - Goddess of Fertility.
- Gefjon (Ásynjur) - Goddess of Fertility.
- Gerðr (Ásynjur) - Goddess of the Earth.
- Gersemi (Vanir) - Goddess of Precious Objects.
- Gná (Ásynjur) - Messenger of the Gods.
- Gullveig (Vanir) - Goddess of Witchcraft and Sorcery.
- Heimdall (Æsir) - Watchman of the Gods.
- Hel (Æsir) - Goddess of the Underworld.
- Hermóðr (Æsir) - Messenger of the Gods.
- Hjúki (Æsir) - Associated with the Moon.
- Hlín (Ásynjur) - Goddess of Protection.
- Hnoss (Vanir) - Goddess of Beauty and Treasure.
- Höðr (Æsir) - God of Darkness.
- Hœnir (Æsir) - God of Creation.
- Iðunn (Ásynjur) - Goddess of Immortality.
- Ilmr (Ásynjur) - Ancient and Little-Known Deity.
- Irpa (Ásynjur) - Ancient and Little-Known Deity.
- Ítreksjóð (Æsir) - Son of Odin.
- Jörð (Ásynjur) - Goddess of the Earth.
- Kvasir (Vanir) - God of Wisdom.
- Lóðurr (Æsir) - God of Creation.
- Lofn (Ásynjur) - Goddess of Love.
- Loki (Æsir) - God of Mischief and Deception.
- Magni (Æsir) - God of Strength.
- Máni (Æsir) - God of the Moon.
- Meili (Æsir) - God of Travel.
- Móði (Æsir) - God of Courage.
- Mimir (Æsir) - God of Wisdom.
- Nanna (Ásynjur) - Goddess of Love and Devotion.
- Njörðr (Vanir) - God of the Sea and Fertility.
- Njörun (Vanir) - Goddess of the Earth.
- Nótt (Æsir) - Goddess of the Night and Dreams.
- Odin (Æsir) - God of Creation and King of the Gods.
- Óðr (Vanir) - God of Divine Madness, Poetry, and Long Journeys.
- Rán (Ásynjur) - Goddess of the Sea and Death.
- Rindr (Ásynjur) - Goddess Associated with Vengeance.
- Sága (Ásynjur) - Goddess of Wisdom.
- Sif (Ásynjur) - Goddess of Abundance.
- Sigyn (Ásynjur) - Goddess of Loyalty.
- Sjöfn (Ásynjur) - Goddess of Love.
- Skaði (Ásynjur) - Goddess of Hunting, Skiing, and Winter.
- Snotra (Ásynjur) - Goddess of Wisdom.
- Sól (Ásynjur) - Goddess of the Sun.
- Syn (Ásynjur) - Goddess of Vigilance, Guardianship, and Defense.
- Þorgerðr Hölgabrúðr (Ásynjur) - Goddess Associated with Protection.
- Thor (Æsir) - God of Lightning and Protection.
- Þrúðr (Ásynjur) - Goddess of Might and Strength.
- Týr (Æsir) - God of War and Justice.
- Ullr (Æsir) - God of Skiing, Archery, and the Hunt.
- Váli (Æsir) - God of Revenge.
- Vár (Ásynjur) - Goddess of Oaths and Agreements.
- Vé (Æsir) - God of Creation.
- Víðarr (Æsir) - God of Vengeance.
- Vili (Æsir) - God of Creation.
- Vör (Ásynjur) - Goddess of Wisdom and Vigilance.