Due to sudden major influx of submissions we decided to stop accepting new lists until further notice.

September 1 2015, HistoryLists.org Team

Write for Us and Get Paid

Are you a historian, history buff or a freelancer looking for work? Do you love to write about history and would like to earn in the process? If so, we here at History Lists welcome you to send us a history list. If we like your list we will check it out, edit it a little and once published, you will get paid.

Terms and Conditions:


If you agree to all above mentioned terms and guidelines, please send us an email to contact@historylists.org with attached list in .txt format and email subject : History List Submission. Don’t forget to include your information (paypal address) in your email for quick and effortless process. Any other comments and information in the email are also welcome.

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